
How anxiety reducing dog beds really do work

No matter what you do some dogs are just born anxious - true?  Possibly......but there are certain things you can do to help relieve the stresses and strains of being a dog although, like with people, you may never get to or correct the root cause of their anxiety.

There have been loads of studies and heaps of research carried out into why some dogs are more prone to anxiety and stresses than others, I will let you read them if you really want to find out more.  But as a dog owner and following a lifetime working with dogs and their owners, I am really excited about these new Anxiety Reducing Dog Beds and here's why.

The raised shape of the beds is a key factor, allowing the dog to snuggle deeply into the soft padding and furry material which is thought to mimic the dogs base instinct and memories of comfort from its mum as a puppy.  It gives a sense of security as it 'holds' the dog farther around its body, a factor that is key if you are hoping to combat mild separation anxiety as this is thought to simulate a hug and give a feeling of reassurance to the dog.

If your dog suffers from over stimulation the beds can help provide a calming area to retreat to (the dog not you) and they offer support for the neck, back and legs that is not commonly found in the majority of other beds on the market.

It might seem like a miracle cure, but it isn't, it is just an extra way that you can support your dog by providing a safe and calming place for them to chill out.

I would like to point out that if your dog is a great chewer when stressed that these beds may not last the distance and in that case, you may need to seek further advice before making a purchase.  I would also like to point out that if like me, you have more than one dog, you should get separate beds for each dog to get the full benefit and in order to prevent adding to the stresses by increasing competition for space.

But at the end of the day, you know your dog best and will know whether your dog may benefit from these amazing beds, and in any case, they are truly beautiful and even the most secure dogs will love them too!

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